Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Time to catch up a bit...

Sam says he's not photogenic, well, this time I'd have to agree! I don't know what was up with the kid, but he looks a little weird...or maybe wired!
Anyway, we are very proud of him because he was awarded Most Outstanding Freshman in the marching band. I think it was because he had never marched before, he learned to play and march at the same time in 2 weeks and he is from Montana. For some reason, the kids there just think Montana is some sort of novelty. They call him "Montana" and have taken to calling me, "Mrs. Montana".
Meet Chuck. I knew that we would have more bugs in Illinois than in Montana, but this is ridiculous!

Seriously, this is the newest addition to the Halloween collection that is at our house. Chuck will be outside on our light with the purple runner lights and pumpkins. I will take more pictures on the big day.

I have been quilting. This is my first attempt at triangles. The pattern is "Flock of Geese". I think it turned out pretty good. It is fun to put patterns and stuff together. I have lots to do for Christmas!

1 comment:

Kim Pace said...

Is there a reason the spider is named after your dad? :)