Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Great TV Move!

Well, here is a story for you, in pictures. It was a nice day for moving a GIANT television upstairs to Nick and Alena's "apartment". You see, Linda and Ed had bought this tv for Nick and Alena to have upstairs, but when they brought it home, they realized that it would take alot of muscle and ingenuity to get it upstairs. So, I took pictures of the event!Thomas, showing off the muscles he has....?

This is 32" screen tv. Up those narrow, steep stairs....

Thinking, thinking....then deciding "this is gonna hurt!"

" ooof."

Suck it in, Thomas!

One, two, three.....Hernia!

They made it....but just barely.


Kim Pace said...

How many Belleque's does it take to move a tv? That is funny! I love it.

Brett and Cindy said...

I hadn't thought of it that way! too funny.

Brett and Cindy said...

That was one of the heaviest and hardest to move Televisions I have ever seen! There was no where to grab and it was really heavy! And I used to move tv's for a living!
(not to mention the puny guys helping me!)

Unknown said...

Lol! :) Nice, Kim! Well, at least no one died, is all I can say! I couldn't see them until they were up the stairs - from all the groaning and whimpering, you'd have thought Nick had the thing lodged in his kidney! It looks great in the room, though. ;)