Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day...

Life in a small town means lots of department stores, less traffic, learning to pass tractors and combines on the highway and parades! Every holiday has a parade! IT IS SO COOL! Today the Oregon High School Band played at the Memorial Day services in the local cemetary.
But first, the parade. The Color Guard from the local VFW.

Brownie troops marched.

The bag piper played here and at the cemetary afterwards.

Some of the veterans. And the boy scouts.

The Oregon High School Band marched in.

Sam didn't march, we hauled stuff over and is hard to march with the tuba.
Although he has done it before!

The Color Guard.

Some of our veterans. There was a gun salute too.

The band played. The wind was blowing so Sam had to use his one-handed tuba playing skills!

One of our senators. He made a really good speech. Short and to the point!

Laying of the wreaths.

The band played on.

There are those one-handed skills again!

The girl scouts and Brownies put flowers on the veteran's graves.

I think it is important to remember those missing in action. I can't imagine never knowing what happened to someone I loved. It would be so difficult.

Honoring those who have given their lives for our freedom. The speaker quoted someone who said to not only to mourn those who died, but to thank God that they lived. I don't know if I appreciate the sacrifices enough.
But I do want to thank Matt and Carl, Karl and Ben -
just a few who served and who continue to serve.
Thank you very much. Your sacrifice means my freedom. I am thankful that you all came home in one piece. If I were there with you, I would give you a hug.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I remember marching & playing in Memorial Day parades. I miss those days!